Saturday 21 September 2013



In 2013,
One birth every 8 seconds          
One death every 12 seconds
There are over 78 million of human sharing on this planet 

World population growth through time and space. 
Is the earth able to endure the increased? 
How about human? They able to live healthy within the congested situation? 
However, currently there are few issues occurring :-

1. Natural Resources

Population volume and distribution getting high and high where directly increase their demand upon resources and also new ground is getting lesser for human settlements development. Then, new ground especially forest being destroyed for development, the natural habitat and ecosystem also were influenced. The consequences, new ground opened mean lesser the natural resources available. Population growth linearly but the natural resources supplies plummet. Inefficient uses of natural resources have affected their quantity as well as quality such as food and water thus brought to health problem.

2. Climate Change

Green area being destroyed due to development intensifying with the high emission of gasses specifically carbon dioxide from human activity (industry and transportation) which all of these will brought effect to our earth. The most obviously is global climate change; ice caps are melting, sea level increasing, world temperature increasing and this erratic weather are affecting crops, food quality, drinking water availability and food production. Certain areas is hottest and happen droughts while rainfall level is higher which cause floods in others area where the unpredictable environmental changes have lead to big effect especially agricultural patterns due to long-term climate imbalances, and result in increased prices and availability of food world-wide.

Currently they are million people unable fulfil their food needs and soon they might be contributing to ‘environmental refugee’ or ‘climate migrant’ movements thus country’s growth and population’s health affected.  

Grinnell Glacier: changes in Grinnell Glacier, 1918-2006


Safe water and health
For the 1.9 billion children from the developing world, there are:
400 million with no access to safe water (1 in 5)
270 million with no access to health services (1 in 7)
1.4 million die each year from lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation

Quality of life of world population is decreasing due to the changes of natural environment. Right of human threatened especially vulnerable group that unaffordable to access to clean water, have adequate sanitation and health service. These are the right of every human being which there are just basic and simple things in order to produce a healthy society.

4. Food Security

Around 27-28% of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. 

UN warns of looming worldwide food crisis in 2013
• Global grain reserves hit critically low levels
• Extreme weather means climate 'is no longer reliable'
• Rising food prices threaten disaster and unrest

So, which mean the world’s growing food crisis already exists!

Farmers are not producing as much as human are consuming thus the food stocks are being run down due to the unequally supplies and demand. This problem intensifying with the erratic weather that threatening the food production. Harvests badly because extreme heat weather thus this will contributing to sent prices spiralling where the consumer especially the poor people are unaffordable to access it.  

5. Poverty 
Over three billion people (almost half of the world population) is live on less than $2.50 (RM7.96) a day.

Three in every four rural people living on less than US$1 a day (RM3.18)

According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. 
The poor people are always the group who unable to access to clean water, food, health services and school. 

Global Issues 1998-2013

Living Green Magazine 2013

Global Britannica 2013
[Online] from?topicId=235402

World Bank Development Indicator 2008

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

US Census Bureau 2011

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