Saturday 30 November 2013

Traffic Planning related with Urban Planning ?


On 25th March 2013, Penang Chief Minister was launch the Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP) which the plan is converged both island and Seberang Perai. The plan is divided into three phases in its implementation period which is the short term (from current to 2015); medium term (from 2015 to 2020) and the long term (2020 to 2030).

This comprehensive plan is coverage all scopes where its strategies start from a basic issues till a holistic suggestion such as improving pedestrian and cycling lanes, upgrading of existing highway networks, upgrading ferry services, works on the Georgetown Outer Bypass, as well as building new highways, introducing water taxis and building a third sea crossing under-seabed tunnel. Overall, this integrated PTMP is consists of six volumes which are:   

a)Highway Improvement Plan
b)Public Transport Improvement Plan 
c)Accessibility Improvement Plan
d)Institutional Plan
e)Water Transport Study 
e)The Recommended Transport Master Plan Strategy

Figure 1.0 is the PTMP's core strategy concept plan.
Source: YB Chow Kon Yeow; Moving People Not Cars 2010; Penang State Local Government and Traffic Management. 
The PTMP’s effort of seeking effective and efficient transportation in Penang from government is mainly due to the rising problems of the traffic congestion issue. Undeniably, traffic jams are nothing surprised any more and it seems inseparable when we mention about the urban development. It is so ironic to say that the traffic jams are the result of the vibrant and developing cities. Without a culturally vibrant and economically advancing city, the phenomena of traffic congestion just does not happen. Here, I wouldn't discuss further on the implication of PTMP, but I will seek traffic congestion solution by discuss about the urban planning design itself. 

As a planner, we should not quietly obey with this natural character of city development. I think there must be a way of developing a city while avoiding the haunting issue of traffic congestion. Look at the current urban design, the sprawled city planning of Penang indirectly encouraging the disconnecting between different zones. There is long distance between the residential area, supporting public facilities and work destination, and thus eventually promoting the forming of automobile centered culture.

To ensure good quality of life in the new suburban design, residential areas are located far away from the not-in-favour commercial and industrial area that believed to degrades the living standard of residents. Commercial zone often causes the densely circulation flow of people and traffic while industrial zone has the risk of environmental pollution in aspect of noise, air and hygiene. The peaceful and serene lifestyle aim has encourages the separation of residential area from the others. In another view, the needs of transport over longer distance have been promoted without offering a sufficient public transportation services. In the designed master plans, the suburban Penang residents are assumed to be capable of having their own car for travelling.

Perhaps the way the planning had been done is more suitable to the old times whereas the condition is of smaller population and lesser private transportation users. In my opinion, I don’t think that it can be really sustain the exponentially growth in volume of population either in urban or suburban. Traffic congestion is the best proof for it.

According to the Penang State Local Government and Traffic Management, they are around 80,000 public riders per day and the numbers projected to be increase around 50% by year 2020.  

Figure 2.0 showed the numbers of ridership from year 2007 to year 2010.
Source: YB Chow Kon Yeow; Moving People Not Cars 2010; Penang State Local Government and Traffic Management. 

Figure 3.0 showed the future forecast on the rideship numbers by year 2020.
 Source: YB Chow Kon Yeow; Moving People Not Cars 2010; Penang State Local Government and Traffic Management. 
Inevitably, the public transportation is the main solution treating the stated issue. Government is seems realized this crucial point with tend to tackling the issues by decrease the dependency on private transport where the PTMP is conceived a cost of RM3.2 million in introducing and improving public transport system to ensure the state aim “to achieve a 30% public transportation usage by the year 2030” can be achieve; said Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng during the launch of the PTPM.

The priority of such infrastructures should be higher than the efforts of seeking a more effective road building and the future third sea crossing. In long term, such investment in the public infrastructure will prove to us by how much worth it is and its return in aspects of financial and also environmental costs. We should promotes the environmental friendly travelling in short to long distance, in form of walking, cycling, car pooling, especially public transport such as public bus and train service.

Planners are responsible to play their role in designing and planning the whole master plan in a way of encouraging great access to basic amenities and infrastructures. I believe that the design without the needs of long distance travel and naturally promotion of cycling and walking could enhance the real quality of people life, perhaps their health. Live, work and play altogether within the small zone while destination for acquiring basic needs could be reachable in foot distance. I would not deny the thoughts that the smaller but denser self sustaining ‘villages’ design might be the direction of solving all these issues by enabling the ‘villagers’ to reach their basic needs in the one mile radius. 

Today we cannot blame over the Penang citizens choose to take their own automobile. The real reason I think is due to the chaotic sprawling pattern of Penang master planning that put the death sentence to the efficient public transportation. We require reviewing all the possibilities of the planning design so that a real sustainable urban planning without traffic congestion could be achieved one day later.

1. YB Chow Kon Yeow; Moving People Not Cars 2010; Penang State Local Government and TrafficManagement.

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